Martin Luther's Large Catechism (1529)
Translated by F. Bente and W.H.T.
Dan. Published in: Triglot Concordia: The Symbolical Books of the Ev.
Lutheran Church . (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921).
Table of Contents
- Luther's Introduction to the Large Catechism
- Short Preface and Summary
Part One:
- The First Commandment
- The Second Commandment
- The Third Commandment
- The Fourth Commandment
- The Fifth through Seventh Commandments
- The Eighth through Tenth Commandments
- Conclusion of the Ten Commandments
Part Two:
- The Creed
Part Three:
- The Lord's Prayer
- Commentary on the Petition the Lord's Prayer
Part Four:
- Holy Baptism
- Infant Baptism
Part Five:
- Sacrament of the Altar
- Exhortation to Receive the Sacraments Frequently
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of Project Wittenberg , Reverend Bob Smith, Project Coordinator,
Cindy A. Beesley, Editor, and Debbie Harris, HTML Author. Document revised, May 22, 1998