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Theology and Practice of
Part II

A Report of the
Commission on Theology and Church Relations
of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
as preapared by its
Social Concerns Committee

May 1983

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A. Prologue

How does one address the many practical questions that arise in conjunction with the celebration of Holy Communion? As Lutherans we approach such a task from a unique theological posture. In submitting to the full authority of Holy Scripture as correctly expounded in the Lutheran Confessions, Lutheranism avoids both that legalism which negates the Gospel by binding consciences with human ordinances (Galatians) and that libertarianism which would destroy good order in the church (1 Corinthians).

A marvelous treatment of the perimeters of evangelical practice is set forth in the Formula of Concord. Its tenor will be assumed in our subsequent discussion.

B. Practice in Accord With the Words of Institution

C. Practice in Accord with the Doctrine of the Office of the Public Ministry

D. Practice in Accord with the Doctrine of the Church


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